

第16回 成体脳ニューロン新生懇談会「個性」創発脳共催研究会

第16回 成体脳ニューロン新生懇談会・「個性」創発脳共催研究会 in 仙台2020 参加者の皆様

Dear participant in Adult Neurogenesis Meeting 2020 in Sendai,

第16回 成体脳ニューロン新生懇談会は、この感染症に個人レベルでの十分な対策を行った上で開催することとしております。

To prevent new expansion of Coronavirus, please read information below.




  • 人混みでは必ずマスクを着用してください。
  • こまめに石けんやアルコール消毒液などによる手洗いを行ってください。
  • 送迎バスに乗る際に、新しいマスクをお配りいたします。
  • 消毒用70%エタノールスプレーを準備しております。


  • 消毒用70%エタノールスプレーを準備
  • マスクを希望者には配布


【From the meeting office】

No patient in Miyagi prefecture at this point (Feb 19).

【Public transportation】

  • Ware the mask in the crowd.
  • Wash and sanitize your hans with soap and 70% ethanol frequently.
  • We distribute new facemasks when you take a shuttle bus if you want.
  • 70% ethanol spray is prepared.

Safety measures against Coronavirus.

  • 70% ethanol spray is prepared
  • We distribute facemasks if you want

Please let us know immediately, if you have fever or cough.



問9 感染を予防するために注意すべきことはありますか?心配な場合には、どのように対応すればよいですか?(更新しました)

問10 「咳エチケット」とは何を行うことですか?

[Important Information to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus on Campus]

[From Q & A on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)]

Q5: How can I avoid catching or spreading the coronavirus? What should I do if I feel sick?
First of all, we advise you to wash your hands with soap and water frequently, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel when soap and water are not available. When you have symptoms such as coughs and sneezes, please cover your mouth and nose properly (called “cough etiquette”, explained below). If you cover coughs and sneezes with your hands and touches objects around you with those hands, there is a chance of spreading virus via those objects. Properly covering coughs and sneezes is particularly important when you are in crowded places such as schools, offices and packed trains.
Seniors and persons with chronic diseases are advised to take extra precaution and avoid visiting packed places and using public transportation as much as possible.
If you have been to China’s Hubei province or Zheijiang province in the 14 days before your symptoms started, or have had a contact with people who have been to those provinces, and feel sick with fever, cough, or other symptoms, please make a phone call to a nearby Public Health Center before you visit a doctor’s office or emergency room. It is also important that you tell medical practitioners, in advance, about your recent travel to those provinces or the contact with people who have been to those provinces.

Q6: What is the “cough etiquette”?
It refers to the way you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, handkerchief, or the edge of a sleeve to avoid spreading germs to other people. An illustrated description is available on the website:


We are looking forward to seeing you in Akiu.

担当幹事:大隅 典子(東北大学大学院医学系研究科)
事務局:稲田 仁(東北大学大学院医学系研究科)
問い合わせ先:022-717-8203 または adultneurogenesis2020*gmail.com(「*」を「@」に変換してください)

Hitoshi INADA, Ph.D., Lecturer
Division of Developmental Neuroscience
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
2-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku
Sendai, Miyagi 980-8575, Japan
E-mail: adultneurogenesis2020*gmail.com(Please convert "*" into "@".)